START Rescue responds to snake bite incident at Drakensberg hotel, KwaZulu-Natal
START Rescue in the Drakensberg was activated after reports of a patient who had being bitten by a snake at a local hotel on Sunday, 2 October 2022 at 09h40am. On arrival, it was found that the patient was showing clear signs of a snake bite, with a clear bite mark and swelling to the affected area. The patient confirmed that the bite occurred at 09h25am. Basic treatment was initiated immediately while flip cards were used to try identify the snake. The patient quickly identified the snake as a Berg Adder.
START partner, Netcare911 helicopter crew and flight desk was contacted and the flight activated, to allow for the patient to get to a Level 1 trauma hospital in the shortest possible time frame. The patient was handed over from the START medical team to the flight crew where the patient was successfully flown to the hospital for the further treatment was completed. "The Berg Adder is consider a venomous snake and dangerous and is a bad-tempered snake that hisses loudly and strikes easily. Its venom differs from most adders in that it is mainly neurotoxic with a specific action on the optic and facial nerves, causing drooping eyelids, double vision, dizziness and temporary loss of taste and smell. Breathing may also be affected in severe bites and bites can be very serious. There is no anti-venom for the bite of this snake and victims may have to be artificially ventilated. Some of the symptoms may prevail for several weeks after a bite." Photo and snake information credits: African Snakebite Institute Source: START Rescue |
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